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Thermodynamic Steam Traps

Steam has two components:

1] The latent heat useful in the process of Heat transfer, and

2] The Sensible heat in the form of condensate having only the heat content not useful in the process, rather hindering Heat transfer and causing damage to piping equipment due to its presence. Hence, there is a need to remove condensate and trapped steam. This is done by Steam trap.

The Thermodynamic Trap works on the principle of difference in the velocities of Steam and Condensate. Used Mainly on Drip lines of the main steam distribution line, uses condensate pressure to open the trap and discharge the condensate and then the Flash steam formed due to the high flash steam velocity & accumulation of flash steam over disc, Device close and trap the live steam when it appears.

Thermodynamic Steam Traps are compact and lightweight and discharge condensate as and when it is formed.


    • Available in Sizes: 15, 20, and 25mm
    • End connections: Threaded to BSP/BSPT/NPT, SW, and BW, as well as Flanged to #150/300/600/900/1500. e
    • Pressure Ranges of 30 bar [UTD21], 55 bar TD55 [Single and Three orifices], 100Bar [UTD 62] AND 250 Bar [UTD120]
    • MOC: AISI 420./ 743 Gr. CA40[UTD21/55] / ASTM A217 Gr. WC6[UTD62] / ASTMA 182 Gr. F22 cl3. [UTD120]
    • Max. Operating temperature: 425 Deg. C[UTD55] 550 Deg. C. [UTD62/120]

All the Traps, except UTD120, can be supplied with Isotubs and Blow down cocks.


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